
Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Brief History of Computer by Ajiboye Daud

LITERATURE REVIEW OF COMPUTER HARDWARE Computers have evolved from the fundamental principles of mathematical calculation and language processing. The computing systems of today are an outcome of the efforts and intellect of mathematicians, logicians, linguists and technologists from all over the world. Computer history comprises the evolutionary journey of computing systems, the timeline of operating systems as well as the history behind the development of a wide variety of computer software and hardware. Bellow is the computer history in brief and the evolution of computers. How did the different types of computers evolve? Here is a brief overview of the progress of computing technology from calculators of the 18th century right up to the modern-day digital portable computers. Year| Technology Used| Before 1801| Calculators were the earliest computing devices. They were the only computation tools for long years before the creation of computers. | 1801| The years that followed were dominated by the use of punched cards for computing. The users used to submit programming assignments to a computer centre using stacks of cards. The programs used to be queued for processing and execution. | 1930 – 1960| Desktop mechanical calculators were built during the 1930s. During the 1950s and the '60s, electronic desktop calculators came up. Analog computational technologies predominated this period. | 1940 – 1960| This span of time witnessed the emergence of the digital computing technology. Zuse Z3, ENIAC and EDSAC were some of the early digital computers. * First-generation computers were based on the von Neumann architecture. * The second generation computers were characterized by the replacement of vacuum tube by bipolar transistors. They were composed of printed circuit boards. | After 1960| These years witnessed the development of the third generation computers. They were based on integrated circuits. Computer systems of this period had large storage capacities and high processing powers. Multi-core CPUs became available in the 21st century. Laptops, palmtops, handheld PCs, notebook computers and tablet PCs are popular today. Computer development still continues. | Let us now look at the history and timeline of computing systems. Before moving ahead, it will be interesting to know when was the first computer made! Year| Event| 2400 BC| Abacus, the first known calculator was invented in Babylonia. It was a major step towards the era of computing that was to follow. 500 BC| Panini, an ancient Indian Sanskrit grammarian came up with the predecessor of the modern formal language theory. | 300 BC| Pingala invented the binary number system that serves as the foundation of computing systems the world over. | 1614| John Napier designed the system of movable rods, which used algorithms to perform the basic mathematical operations. | 1622| William Oug htred invented slide rules. | 1822| Charles Babbage devised the first mechanical computer. | 1937| John V. Atanasoff devised the first digital electronic computer| 1939| Atanasoff and Clifford Berry came up with the ABC prototype. 1941| The electromechanical Z machines by Konrad Zuse proved being an important step in the evolution of computers. | 1943| Colossus, which was able to decode German messages, was designed at Bletchley Park in Britain. | 1944| Harvard Mark I, a computer with lesser programmability was designed. | 1945| John von Neumann described a stored program architecture, for the first time ever. This architecture was the heart of the computer systems developed thereafter. This architecture, which came to be known as the von Neumann architecture is a part of every computer till today. 1946| The Ballistics Research Laboratory of the United States came up with the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC). It was the first general purpose electronic computer; but had an inflexible architecture. | 1950| The US National Bureau of Standards came up with the Standards Electronic/Eastern Automatic Computer (SEAC). It was the first computer using diodes for handling logic. | 1951| Lynos Electronic Office (LEO), the first business computer was developed by John Simmons and T. Raymond Thompson. UNIVAC I, the first commercial computer was designed in the United States by John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly. EDVAC, the electronic discrete variable automatic computer was introduced. | 1955| Bell Labs introduced its first transistor computer. Transistors made computers energy-efficient. | 1958| Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was formed. This year also witnessed the making of the first silicon chip by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce. | 1968| DEC launched the first mini computer known as PDP-8| 1969| The US Department of Defense founded the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET). It was established with intent to develop a computer network and is the predecessor of the Internet. 1971| Microcomputers came up with microprocessors and Ted Hoff at Intel, introduced 4-bit 4004. | 1972| This year witnessed the creation of 8080 microprocessors by Intel. | 1973| A minicomputer that was called Xerox Alto was developed during this year. It was an important milestone in the development of personal computers. | 1974| Researchers at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center came up with Alto, which was the first workstation with an inbuilt mouse. It had a fair amount of storage capacity and offered menus and icons. It could also connect to a network. 1975| Altair came up with the first portable computer. The foundation of the present-day relationship between portability and computing was laid way back in 1975! Tandem computers, the first computers with online transaction processing capacities were born during this period. | 1979| By 1979, more than half a million computers were in use in the United States. This number crossed 10 million by 1983. | 1981| The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) was founded. It was during the same year that the first 32-bit chip was introduced by Hewlett-Packard. | 1982| Intel announced the 80286 processor. 1983| In this year, the Time magazine nominated personal computer for the title ‘machine of the year'. | 1985| Intel introduced the 80386 processor that consists of a 16MHz processor. | 1990| The World Wide Web was born. Tim Berners-Lee, a researcher at CERN, developed HTML. He came up with specifications such as URL and HTTP. He based the World Wide Web on enquiry-based system that used hypertext and enabled people to collaborate over a network. His first web server and browser became available to the public. | Till date| The development of newer versions of computer systems continues. | An operating system is that software component of a computer system, which deals with the management of the different computer processes and the sharing of computer resources. It hosts computer applications and handles computer hardware. Take a look at the major events in the history of operating systems. Before going ahead, you might like to take a quick look at the different types of operating systems. Year| Event| 1954| MIT came up with their operating system for UNIVAC 1103. | 1964| Dartmouth timesharing operating system was developed. | 1965| Multics was announced. However, it was opened for paying customers in October 1969. 1966| DOS/360 of IBM came up. | 1969| This year witnessed the development of the Unix operating system by AT;T. | 1976| CP/M was developed during this year. | 1980| OS-9 came up in 1980. | 1981| This year can be considered fortunate to have witnessed the development of MS-DOS. IBM had hired Paul Allen and Bill Gates to create an operating system in 1980. The y used the operating system manufactured by the Seattle Computer Products as a template to develop DOS. | 1984| Macintosh operating system came up in this year. | 1987| It was during this year that MINIX, BSD2000 and OS/2 were developed. 1988| RISC iX, LynxOS and Macintosh OS (System 6) came up during this year. | 1989| This was the time when the RISC operating system was developed. | 1991| It was in 1991 that Linux came up. It is a Unix-like operating system, which is a free software. It was during this year that Minix 1. 5 was developed and Macintosh came up with System 7. | 1992| Solaris, the successor of Sun OS 4. X came up during this year. | 1993| Plan 9, FreeBSD, NetBSD and Windows NT 3. 1 came up during 1993. | 1995| OpenBSD and Microsoft Windows 95 came up during 1995 | 1996| Windows NT 4. 0 hit the computing market in 1996. | 998| 1998 witnessed the release of Windows 98 as well of Solaris 7. | 2000| Windows 2000, which hit the markets in 2000, was the first Windows server operating system to drop the ‘NT' suffixed to its name. Windows ME, which was sold during this year, was the last operating system in the Windows 9x line. Red Hat Linux 6. 2E also came up during 2000. | 2001| Windows XP was launched and soon gained a wide popularity. Windows XP 64-bit edition followed in 2002. | 2002| Windows XP Service Pack 1 was released in 2002. | 2003| 2003 witnessed the launch of the Windows 2003 Server as also the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3. 2004| Windows XP Service Pack 2 was released in 2004. | 2006| Windows Vista hit the markets| 2008| Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008 came up in 2008. It was also during this very year that Windows XP Service Pack 3 was released. | Computers have always been the most efficient computational devices. They have high processing powers and are able to run and execute large programs. Programming languages serve as the means to write programs on computer systems. Thus, it is important to look at the timeline of the development of some of the major programming languages. Following is an overview of the important events in the history of computer languages. Year| Programming Language Developed| Before 1950| The ENIAC coding system was primarily used in computing| 1954-54| Fortran â€Å"0† was designed by a team at IBM. Fortran Implementation was developed by John Backus at IBM in 1957. | 1956-58| John McCarthy came up with the concept of LISP. | 1959| COBOL concept came up followed by its implementation that was developed by the Codasyl Committee in 1960. The LISP implementation was developed in 1959. LISP's successor, Common LISP, came up later in 1984. 1964| IBM came up with PL/I concept. PL/M followed years later in 1972. 1964 also saw the development of BASIC by Kemeny and Kurtz. | 1969| Ken Thompson developed the B language. | 1970| This was when Pascal was developed. | 1972| It was during 1972 that Smalltalk and Prolog were developed. One of the most important events in the history of computing was the development of C language. It was de veloped by Dennis Ritchie in 1972. | 1975| Scheme, the successor of LISP came up in 1975 as also Modula, the successor of Pascal. | 1978| SQL was developed at IBM in 1978. | 1979| REXX and AWK came up in 1979. 1980-83| C with classes was developed in 1980. Objective-C came up in 1982. 1983 witnessed the development of C++, one of the very popular languages till date. | 1985| PostScript and Object Pascal belong to 1985. | 1987| Perl that derives some of its features from C, as also from AWK, sed and sh evolved in 1987. | 1991| Van Rossum came up with Python. Visual Basic, developed by Alan Cooper, came up in the same year. | 1993| Ruby, which is considered a successor of Smalltalk and Perl, came up in 1993. | 1994| PHP was born in 1994. | 1995| ColdFusion belongs to 1995. It was during this year that James Gosling at Sun Microsystems came up with Java. | 1996| Javascript was born in this year. ECMAScript, its successor came up in 1997. | 1999| XSLT, a language based on XML by the W3C and the Game Maker Language by Mark Overmars were born in 1999. | 2000| The D language and C# came up in 2000. | 2006| The development of Windows PowerShell by Microsoft was one of the significant events in computing that took place in 2006. | Looking at the speedily advancing computing technology, we can surely say that the future of computers is going to be as glorious as their history.

Pest Analysis of Primark Stores Ltd

Organisations And Environment PEST Analysis On Primark Stores Ltd Contents Introduction 1 Economic Factors 1-2 Technological Factors 2-3 Social Factors 3-4 Political Factors 4 Conclusion 5 Bibliography 5-6 Introduction This report will look at the macro environmental factors affecting Primark which operates in the high-street retail clothing sector. Primark offers chic clothing on the cheap through a number of department stores throughout the UK & Ireland, Holland and Spain. With its main target market being fashion-conscious under-35-year-olds, it is the second largest clothing retailer in the UK. The business environment is ever-changing, and it is crucial that all organisations analyse the environmental factors accurately to allow them to adapt to changes that may arise. If the environment is not analysed correctly, or if not enough attention is paid to observing environmental changes then the organisation could miss vital opportunities and fall under massive threat. This report will focus on a PEST analysis; a PEST analysis is a detailed environmental analysis that allows organisations to implement strategies that will respond to all environmental factors that they are faced with. A PEST analysis consists of four factors; Political, Economic, Social, and Technological. Primark, like all organisations will have to deal with all these environmental factors in some way. This report will now go into detail considering how each of these factors affect the high-street retail clothing sector, in particular Primark, and how they have or could respond to such issues. Economic Factors The biggest economic factor that has affected Primark in recent times, as with most businesses is the recession. This will definitely hinder Primark’s performance, as the recession means that their potential consumers will have less disposable income, and therefore will be less likely to spend vast amounts of money on clothes. However as Primark is certainly at the cheaper end of the high-street retail clothing sector it has a much more inelastic income elasticity of demand than some of its clothing competitors; meaning that it could have a huge advantage over some of its higher priced competition. This is because consumers will have less money to spend. But fashion-conscious women will still want to look good; and with Primark offering chic clothing for cheaper prices, many of these women may see Primark as an attractive option for their clothing purchases. The second economic factor to be talked about is the price of fuel. In the summer of 2008, the price of oil reached $147 a barrel (the highest it has ever been). Primark will have noticed huge increases in their transportation costs when the price of oil was this high. Primark relies very heavily on transportation as it has only two distribution centres, one being located in Leicestershire, UK and the other being located in Naas, Holland. As it distributes to all over the UK & Ireland, Holland, and Spain it will experience heavy fuel costs, and heavy shipping costs. Therefore, the high price of oil will increase costs and cut into Primark’s profit margins. Unless it decides to pass the cost onto the consumer, in which case it would experience a decrease in sales. Another important economic factor to look at is the lowering of interest rates by the Bank of England. ‘The interest rates have been cut five times since October at which point they were 5%, and now they stand at just 0. 5%. ’ (Monk, 2009) The extremely low interest rates will mean that most mortgage owners will be paying a lot less money back on their mortgage. This will result in them having a lot more disposable income, and could mean that they will have a lot more money to spend on clothes, and Primark could see sales increase. On the other hand; some of these mortgage owners may already have been Primark customers as they previously had a lower disposable income. Now they have more money to spend, they may take their custom to higher priced, higher quality clothing retailers. Technological Factors The first technological factor to be considered is the Penneys gift card. Penneys is the trading name of Primark in the Republic of Ireland. The gift card is only available in Ireland at this current time, but Primark may wish to introduce it into its Primark stores at a later date. The gift card was made available from 3rd November 2008, and gives the user the chance to put a minimum of â‚ ¬5 and a maximum of â‚ ¬200 onto the card. To add to this each card has a unique 19 digit number; with this number the gift card holder can check their current balance on the Primark website, without even needing to go to the store. With the knowledge that a gift card holder can check their balance online, one would assume that they must have an integrated computer system with these gift cards. This will give Primark the necessary information to see: which products are bought most frequently, when they are bought, a gift card holder’s average spend, amongst other things. Meaning that the gift card could be used as a useful tool for marketing purposes. This report has already mentioned the fact that Primark uses a website, which is also a technological factor. Primark’s website gives information on the company profile; including background, its ethical policy, and its upcoming stores. The fact that it shows upcoming stores could be seen as a good promotional tool. For example, currently on the website it shows that Primark plans to open a store in Bremen, Germany. This is promoting to German customers who have visited Primark stores before and have been waiting for one to open in Germany. Furthermore the website includes a store locator, giving potential customers the chance to locate the nearest store to them. This means that consumers can know the places they need to go if they want to find Primark stores. A major factor that could cause Primark to lose a lot of potential customers is the lack of online shopping available on their website. One of its biggest competitors, the Arcadia group which encompasses such stores as Topshop, Topman, Burton etc does have online shopping available on its website. In 2006 it was suspected that UK online shoppers were expected to reach 24. 9m in 2010. This is a huge amount of potential customers that Primark could be missing out on. Primark’s target market is under-35-year-olds; these are the people who use the internet most regularly. This could lead to Primark losing market share to the Arcadia group, and Tesco who also provide cheap clothing online. Social Factors The biggest social factor that affects Primark is the current fashion trends that potential customers are looking for. ‘Value clothing is now at the heart of British shopping. Two in five adults are now admitting that they buy their basics at â€Å"value† shops. (Smithers, 2008). This is saying that clothing consumers are now looking to buy cheaper alternative outfits. With this now being the social fashion trend of the UK market, Primark has a big advantage over other high-street clothing retailers. ‘In 2007 Primark was nicknamed Pri-Marni in the style pr ess for emulating fashion spin-offs, and overtook Asda as the UK’s most popular value clothing retailer. ’ (Smithers, 2008). Primark has responded to young women wanting highly fashionable clothing for cheaper prices by producing designer copies made with cheaper fabric. This is has led to massive sales, and shows an intelligent response to this social factor. Primark has recognised that to be viewed highly in society in modern times, means that the organisation must act ethically. This is shown by their ethical strategy on their website. ‘The challenges in the global garments supply chain require the collaboration of many different types of organisations to ensure that the gains from trade are spread. ’ (Primark, 2008). This quote taken directly from their ethical strategy tries to show that they are looking for all the workers that produce their products to be paid and treated properly. However, in January 2009 the BBC found that some of Primark’s manufacturers were acting in an extremely unethical manner. ‘TNS Knitwear Ltd is one of Primark’s biggest UK suppliers of knitwear. The minimum-wage is ? 5. 3 an hour, however an undercover BBC reporter applying for a job at TNS Knitwear was told she would be working for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for ? 3. 50 an hour. What is more, there was no heating and a broken toilet meant that both sexes had to use the same bathroom. ’ (Dhariwal, 2009). Stories such as these showing Primark’s manufacturers acting in hugely unethical ways could dramatically lower society’s opinion of Primark; leading to a large cut in Primark sales. Another social factor that Primark looks to implement on is the growing trend of organisations needing to be more environmentally friendly in order to succeed in current business climates. For the majority of purchases at Primark, the customer is given a brown paper bag instead of a plastic bag. Primark plastic bags are used only for heavy items with which the paper bag handles would rip. As paper bags are more bio-degradable, they are much more environmentally friendly. This gives Primark an image that shows they care about the environment, and improves their overall image socially. Political Factors This report has already covered the fact that TNS Knitwear Ltd (one of Primark’s suppliers) did not pay the minimum wage of ? 5. 73 per hour. Due to the minimum wage act, this is breaking the law. Failure to abide by the law could result in a ? 5,000 fine. Furthermore it was found that TNS Knitwear Ltd was also employing asylum seekers who were working illegally in the country. ‘Employers who take on illegal workers can face fines up to ? 10,000 per person under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act. ’ (Dhariwal, 2009). Even if it is not Primark itself that is committing such acts, it should always research its potential suppliers’ records to ensure that they are not involved in criminal activities either. This is not just unlawful, meaning it is a political factor, but is also unethical and so a social factor. In December 2008, the Government reduced the Value added tax on products from 17. 5% to 15%. This meant that Primark’s products looked 2. 5% cheaper, and could easily have led to higher sales as a result. To add to this, if it had made it known to customers that it was passing the V. A. T. reductions onto the consumer, it could be seen as a clever promotion tool, to encourage more potential customers to purchase its products. Conclusion The fact that Primark has become the UK’s most popular value clothing retailer would indicate that Primark is very aware of its trading environment. A sound knowledge of its trading environment can lead to such success. However there are a few factors which this report uncovers, in which Primark is perhaps failing to respond to correctly. To summarise the environmental analysis, this conclusion will discuss the factors which Primark responds well to and the factors it responds to less well. Primark’s most probable biggest concern will be the social factors affecting it. This is down to the fact that fashion relies almost entirely on social opinion. If customers do not like the products Primark offers, they will not buy them, and Primark will fail as a business. Primark’s sales in 2008 prove them to be the UK’s most popular value clothing retailer. In today’s society women want designer-like clothing for next-to-nothing prices. Primark has responded to this, and delivered with great success. On the other hand Primark has failed to respond to its suppliers’ criminal activities; giving the company an unethical view in society. If Primark can act quickly and find suppliers who act ethically, then it may not experience a big decrease in social opinion and continue with high sales. Unfortunately for Primark, ethical suppliers may not be able to produce the clothing for such low cost; and this could cut into Primark’s profits. Today’s current economic climate is not ideal for any organisation; recession meaning that consumers have far less disposable income. However, clothing is a necessity and Primark offers the cheaper end of high-street clothing. This might mean that Primark will not suffer a great deal compared to competing high-street clothing retailers. Furthermore if it can keep providing demand to its suppliers then they should survive the recession too. The company’s website is a great information tool; giving customers insight about the organisation, and giving them the chance to locate current and future stores. This can be seen as a good response to technological factors. However, with the growing trend in online shopping, and the company’s current choice not to sell its products online, could mean it loses large amounts of market share to competitors who currently provide such services. The poorest response to an environmental factor is Primark’s response to political factors. Its failure to discover that its suppliers were involved in criminal activities is very poor indeed. This is something the company will need to take into greater consideration in the future. Bibliography Dhariwal, N. 2009) Primark Linked to UK Sweatshops [Internet], BBC News. Available from: [Accessed 7 April 2009] M2 Presswire. (2006) TelecityRedbus: Online retailing is only half the story when it comes to UK internet activity; 35% i ncrease in UK internet shopping sales since July 2005; Online shoppers are expected to reach 24. 9m in 2010[1]; Figures from TelecityRedbus demonstrate the UK's growing dependence on a wide variety of online services, including government services, banking, travel and bill paying as well as a range of entertainment services [Internet], M2 Presswire. Available from ;www. lexisnexis. om; [Accessed on 7 April 2009] Monk, D. (2009) Low interest rates cost Notts councils ? 7. 6m; While mortgage payers are celebrating the lowest interest rates in the history of the Bank of England, Notts councils will lose ? 7. 6m on their savings next year. Nottingham Evening Post, 17 February, p. 10. Primark Stores Ltd. (2009) Primark [Internet]. Available from: ;http://www. primark. co. uk; [Accessed 7 April 2009]. Smithers, R. (2008) National: Fashion: Ethical concerns left at home as demand for cheap clothes surges: Primark and Asda lead way in reaching out to masses keen to wear latest designs. The Guardian (London), 30 January, p. 9.

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Analysis of the Fashion Industry Essay

Fashion is one of the world’s most important creative industries. It has provided economic thought with a canonical example in theorizing about consumption and conformity. Social thinkers have long treated fashion as a window upon social class and social change. Cultural theorists have focused on fashion to reflect on symbolic meaning and social ideals. Fashion has also been seen to embody representative characteristics of modernity, and even of culture itself. Everyone wears clothing and inevitably participates in fashion to some degree. However, it would be an understatement to say that fashion influences just clothing; in fact, to be very precise fashion influences almost every aspect of our daily life. More often than not, Fashion trends are a reflection of the political, social and economic changes and developments around us. Fashion is an important part of not only arts but maybe even more of economy. At first glance only the aesthetic aspect of it is visible with the beauty, amazing creations and materials. But if one looks more carefully, the whole highly developed and profit producing industry lies behind this glitter. The fashion industry consists of four levels: the production of raw materials, principally textiles , leather and fur; the production of fashion goods by designers, manufacturers, contractors, and others; retail sales; and various forms of advertising and promotion. These levels consist of many separate but interdependent sectors, all of which are devoted to the goal of satisfying consumer demand for apparel under conditions that enable participants in the industry to operate at a profit. Not only The global fashion apparel industry is one of the most important sectors of the economy in terms of investment, revenue, trade and employment generation all over the world, but also The Business of Fashion is an essential daily resource for fashion creatives, executives and entrepreneurs. Selling is the final activity of business .In order to survive , the ability to sell has a great portion of importance among other business abilities. The fashion industry is rather a very sensitive industry toward changes in the cultural , social and economic factors . It is relatively harder or more complicated to understand why a product of a fashion industry sells while others are not. Companies perform various efforts to enhance their selling capabilities. Conducting a marketing analysis, that is, reviewing the strengths of an organization, its weaknesses, opportunities it can capitalize on for maximum profits, and the threats to achieving its full potential provides very invaluable information to the organization about the market and understanding the industry, as well. The analysis is used to define both the unfavorable and favorable factors and their impacts on goals of the business. The fashion industry, which is very volatile, is not an exception, it too has its own share of strengths and opportunities which once utilized by an organization can help it grow substantially and weaknesses and threats which the organization must strive to minimize to the lowest possible levels. Fashion marketing is based on the identification of market trends which are used to analyze, develop and configure related marketing strategies and promotional activities for fashion products. Fashion marketing is the application of a range of techniques and a business philosophy that centers upon the customer and potential customer of clothing and related products and services in order to meet the long term goals of the organization.The very nature of fashion, where change is intrinsic, gives emphasis to marketing activities . Essentially fashion marketing is composed of elements of fashion designing and marketing management which are combined together to develop a comprehensive marketing plan for fashion products. This marketing strategy and the related plan is composed of different tasks relative to the elements of promotions, advertising, retailing, branding, affiliate marketing, and distribution. In order to be successful fashion marketers have to be future oriented with forecast information about the market. The fashion industry demands that in order to have an effective fashion marketing strategy, companies need to understand and identify their customers, the trends in the fashion industry as well as how the branding and the marketing of their products effects the purchase behavior of the consumers. This knowledge is the main resource available to fashion marketers to develop a marketing strategy for their fashion based products . Marketing in the fashion industry is often difficult as the industry is very volatile with constant changes taking place in its external as well as internal environments. As a result the approaches taken towards fashion marketing have to be adjusted and revamped in order to effectively target the latest and future trends. A myriad of factors define the fashion retail market, namely the interactions among fashion companies and the interaction between fashion companies and the consumer. The retailers seem to have the most power in defining the market as they possess the power to market goods at prices desirable to them. However, the market price is in fact also determined by consumers. According to basic economic theory, the price of a good is determined by the demand by consumers and supply of the good by the producers in the economy. Especially for the fashion retail market, fashion trends are forecasted by analysing results of consumer’s emotions towards the previous trend. Hence, consumers do play a vital role in forming the fashion retail market as well. Consumer culture or consumerism, is â€Å"the theory that a progressively greater consumption of goods is economically beneficial†. Fashion creates a desire for ownership. Coupled with mass media and advertising, market makers sell lifestyles and consumers consume such products and lifestyles in hope for upward mobility in the social hierarchy. This creates a culture of hedonism through the impression that one can purchase a status and in turn, ‘happiness’. As such, this new consumer culture lays the foundations for consumption, and demand and supply, of fashion in a society. However, fashion comes and goes and is never constant. But with the ever changing trends and fashion, we see that people have to constantly buy and consume new goods and services to stay in fashion. The frequent renewal of fashion in our capitalistic society makes it an effective marketing strategy as the constant updating of ‘trends’ and the human desire to fit in keeps the fashion industry alive. The fashion industry is a product of the modern age. Prior to the mid-19th century, most clothing was custom made. It was handmade for individuals, either as home production or on order from dressmakers and tailors. By the beginning of the 20th century—with the rise of new technologies such as the sewing machine, the rise of global capitalism and the development of the factory system of production, and the proliferation of retail outlets such as department stores—clothing had increasingly come to be mass-produced in standard sizes and sold at fixed prices. Although the fashion industry developed first in Europe and America, today it is an international and highly globalized industry, with clothing often designed in one country, manufactured in another, and sold world-wide. For example, an American fashion company might source fabric in China and have the clothes manufactured in Vietnam, finished in Italy, and shipped to a warehouse in the United States for distribution to retail outlets internationally. The fashion industry has long been one of the largest employers in the United States, and it remains so in the 21st century.By any measure, the industry accounts for a significant share of world economic output. There is no doubt in the importance of fashion as an industry branch. The amount of money it produces and the number of people it employs makes it a very significant area in the world of economics. On the other side economic situation and changes within it also leave trace on fashion industry. Being so closely entwined any detailed analysis cannot be done without observing both

Monday, 29 July 2019

International business strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International business strategies - Essay Example Either the author of the statement is unbelievably naive, or it is merely an attempt to be provocative with didactic intent. Take the classic example of Mark & Spencer plc, which began in 1894 as a single high street store owned by two men, selling all items said to be costing no more than a penny to the customer. Over the years it conquered the retail sector with branches in prime locations all over the UK, and in overseas territories, totalling more than 885 stores. Not only did Marks & Spencer evolve into the giant corporation which it is today by reading the changes in the environment well, and meeting the growing needs of more and more affluent consumers, it also influenced the shopping habits of its clients. The business firm is not a faceless entity; at best, it can be an icon of social and economic progress, and at worst become vanquished by its inability to read the environment, Woolworths and MFI being two recent examples of such failure. How the environment impacts on the fortunes of the business firm is nowhere more evident than in the collapse of many business enterprises including financial institutions (banks) in the current worldwide economic downturn. Even starker is the effect of continuing bad weather either in the form of floods or snow on the viability of a whole range of firms in the UK. Had the environment represented by the UK government not provided a lifeline to some of the major banks in the form of taxpayer subsidies, or buy-outs, they would not have survived. Different political ideologies at different times affect the business enterprise in different ways. The collapse of communism and the breaking down of the Berlin wall in 1989, coupled with the Internet phenomenon resulted in the abolition of legislation preventing global communication and industrialisation. Since then there has been a plethora of international mergers, acquisitions

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Mussolini and Matteotti Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mussolini and Matteotti Crisis - Essay Example He was executed on April 28, 1945 in Milan, Italy when economic depression and military failures in World War II led to his ousting and subsequent persecution. (Benito Mussolini, 2003; Benito Mussolini, 2007; Benito Mussolini) Mussolini began his political career when he became editor to Milan socialist paper "Avanti!" in 1911. A gifted orator and writer, Mussolini was brought to the notice of the socialist movement when he was arrested and imprisoned for leading demonstrators protesting the attack by the Italians on Libya. Under socialist concepts, war was merely a way for the rich to get richer at the expense of the common worker. Under his editorship, the newspaper gained popularity. (Benito Mussolini, 2007) Five months into World War I, however, Mussolini had a change of attitude, regarding war as an opportunity, and for this the socialist party expelled him. In August 1915, Mussolini answered his country's call to arms. In 1917, a mortar bomb signalled his discharge from the army with the rank of corporal. (Benito Mussolini, 2007) Mussolini developed a political ideology to tie in support of his group, later to be known as Fascism because he named the group Fasci di Combattimento or League for Combat. He was not the first to use the word fasci but his party was the most identified with it. (Rise of Mussolini: to 1922, 2006) World War I threw Italy into an economic crisis and the country was in turmoil. In response, Mussolini formed the National Fascist Party in 1919 and people looked to him to bring order into chaos. He formed the Black Shirt militia, officially the squadre d'azione but popularly described as armed thugs that used violence against all who opposed the Fascist party with special preference for socialist, communists and democrats, and little opposition from authorities. (Rise of Mussolini: to 1922, 2006) In 1921, Mussolini and 35 other fellow Fascists became members of the Italian Chamber of Deputies. (Benito Mussolini, 2003) This was partly due to a coalition Mussolini forged with then Prime Mi nister Gioletti, who sought to restore authority over the Italian citizenry, which he promptly broke as soon as he gained membership. (Rise of fascism in Italy under Mussolini, 2007) The Pacification Pact between Mussolini and the socialists in Parliament was an attempt to forge an alliance, but this was strongly opposed by the radical members of the Party, the squadristi, especially by their leaders, the ras. Attempts to disband the squadristi failed and the pact was dissolved. (March on Rome, 2007) The March on Rome and Military Loyalty The ruling Leftist party initiated a general strike against the Fascists in August 1922, and Mussolini saw his opportunity for his party to grab power. Mussolini counted on the indecisiveness of the Italian government under Prime Minister Luigi Facta and the growing discontent of the citizenry to hedge his gamble. He threatened a march to Rome of 40,000 strong Black Shirts, ostensibly as an intervention necessary to uphold a weak government as solidified by its failure to the secure the Italian-speaking town of Fiume as due recognition for the contributions of Italy to World

Saturday, 27 July 2019

Literature and Film Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Literature and Film - Coursework Example Sile finds a wife and Stride faces his opponents and overthrowss them. However, both the stories do not end in the hero's glorifications. While Sile gets a wife, his other conflict is a notorious boy in debt of him and while Stride gets pass the cowboys, he still needs to avenge himself from those wanting him dead. This is concluded by someone else's dignity or courage being sacrificed to actually uphold the hero's glory. Sile's wife decides to finish off once and for all someone in debt of him through beating him up, thus gaining the fear of being in debt to Sile by the entire Zongo steet. Stride on the one-hand, held bait the Greer's by letting them go into town as his messenger, only to find Mr. Greer dead, but his enemies in hot pursuit of him, falling into his bait of luring them into the desert. In the end of both stories, one is left thinking if both heroes actually deserve to be called the heroes. Because, inasmuch as they altogether attained self actualization and peace of m ind in the end, the underdogs and the people they have outwitted actually did the dirty job for them. The difference between Mallam Sile and Seven Men From Now is their portrayal of a strong hero. In Mallam Sile, the hero is ironically puny and small, almost helpless, but gets his way at the end. In Seven Men From Now, he is a brave cowboy, dashing, fearless and wise but also is brave enough to face a cowboy "duel". The conclusions also vary by Sile getting his peace and restoration, while Stride, chasing after his sheriff position, in which the audience is left hanging if Stride actually makes it or not. Sile's love interest also becomes his wife while Stride's was left hanging in the end. Was there retribution at the end Definitely, and that is the biggest similarity of both the film and the story. It is a matter of the good guys finishing on top while the bad guys die, perish, or made to pay debts. Where is That Voice Coming From and Bullitt The overpowering similarity in the film and in the story, is again in the character. Although the dilemmas, the means of killing and the moral compasses of the stories were also similar, one justification boils down to the characters' essential trait: Indifference. Both characters are indifferent to the fact that what they are doing is actually getting a human life. They have been indifferent, to a certain point, so as they do their job well, achieve their goal and actually affirm themselves, whatever the means they do it so, and without consideration of the people involve. Of course, both means were by shooting. The essential difference of the two, is that Bullitt actually contemplates his guilt at the end, but, does he repent We do not really know for sure. On the one-hand, the protagonist of Where is That Voice Coming From actually owns up to his killing and is actually happy about doing so. Their drives and motives for killing are also very different. In Where is that Voice Comi ng From, the actual motive could be deeply rooted through hatred and envy, it could even be a racial slur. But in Bullit, the motive to kill was actually to do his job, and to bring about justice to the other people criminals have killed in turn. Second-guessing oneself is an essential theme in both the stories as well. In Bullitt, it literally is second guessing-that is having the wrong person accused of

Friday, 26 July 2019

Family implementation evaluation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Family implementation evaluation - Assignment Example To curb the growing problem of alcoholism and drunkenness, we developed the following recommendations: The current plan will rely on the ability of the county to promote the fight against drunkenness and smoking among community members. However, the current plan will have a project director who will possess a doctorate in project management or community health. There will also be a project manager with a minimum academic qualification of a bachelor’s degree. Other members of staff will be handpicked by the county and will undergo a three-day training after which they will receive certificates (Edelman, Mandle & Kudzma, 2013). Members of staff will operate from temporal structures, especially tents. The tents will be located in different parts of the county with a special focus on areas  that have  the highest  levels  of drug  abuse and smoking (Edelman, Mandle & Kudzma, 2013). The county will be the primary source of funding with additional funding from contributions. The Kendall County Counselling Center will assume a central role in the delivery of the current family plan to fight the issue of alcoholism and smoking among community members. Social groups such as YMCA and YWCA will also participate in the delivery of the current plan because of their reach and association with community members. The community will be the point of delivery because this plan is centred on creating awareness and discouraging drug abuse (Edelman, Mandle & Kudzma, 2013). The other reason is that the scope of the current plan is beyond family issues, and  the county  lacks the  resources to address individual needs. Program evaluator will receive the outcome data and the information from the above methods will be stored both electronically and on paper. The electronic records will be used for analysis using advanced computer software such as Excel (Edelman, Mandle & Kudzma, 2013). Outcome data

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Democracy promotion Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Democracy promotion - Term Paper Example The spread of liberal democracy and freedom in the world facilitates the betterment of the people that live in the countries that exercise this conception through the promotion of individual liberty. For instance, democracy allows for the development of the freedom of expression, the freedom and right to own properties, and the aspect of conscience. It is inherent for the world superpowers to promote the democracy of the developing and other nations to ensure greater individual liberties to numerous people. Democratized countries provide maximum human rights to their citizenry through their involvement in the decisions that concern their lives. As studies illustrate, even the illiberal and imperfect democracies tend to allow liberty as opposed to the autocracies. Further, the increased levels of individual liberty improve the realization of full potential amongst the humans benefiting the humankind. For example, when a government utilizes autocratic leadership, more lives are in dang er. The situation is so because those who fight for their freedom get killed while the developed nations may withdraw their support to such nations posing more challenges to the citizens (Cho, 2015). If there is a promotion of democracy, there will be a mutual decision-making hence better lives to the people in the country. The United States need to spread the idea of liberal democracy to the nations in the attempt to stop the people from facing violence from their home governments. Most countries that do not implement the ideology of liberal democracy find themselves triggering civil unrest in their regimes causing deaths to their people. For example, apparently, there is civil unrest in Burundi due to the autocratic leadership of the incumbent president. In this case, more lives have been lost due to the forceful nature of the president to vie for a third term. Moreover,

The Evolution of Capitalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

The Evolution of Capitalism - Essay Example Industrial revolution is believed to be the source of capitalism. Economists such as Adam Smith in his book â€Å"The wealth of nations† explained how division of labor produced new wealth beneficial to the society but this could only be achieved if the economy was left to operate on its own without government intervention through the invisible hand mechanism. However, economists such as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels while acknowledging the advantages of capitalism were very critical of this system as it was based on class antagonisms and advocated for overthrow of capitalism and replacement with communism. He was supported by Andrew Carnegie in that capitalism created new classes of the rich and the poor but differed on how to handle the problem. For him, the main problem was the administration of wealth and instead of overthrowing capitalism; it should be left to continue but the rich to help the poor so as to bring â€Å"peace on earth, among men of good-will.† The economists thus agree on the importance of capitalism but differ on the impact on society and how to deal with its negative consequences. This paper will discuss the evolution of capitalism and its impact on society through the works of Adam Smith, Marx and Engels and Andrew Carnegie. Adam Smith is considered as the father of free market capitalism. Capitalism which was a consequence of industrial revolution in Britain brought a lot of changes to the society. The emergence of the factory system changed work patterns such that instead of individuals producing food for own use; they were now produced commodities for exchange in the market (Sanders et al. 203). Due to lack of other means of obtaining subsistence food and keeping their race going, they opted to offer their labor to factory owners in exchange of wages. As such, labor became a commodity exchangeable in the market like other

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

I Believe by Joe Satriani - Strange Beautiful Tour 2002 Essay

I Believe by Joe Satriani - Strange Beautiful Tour 2002 - Essay Example The song was performed during his famous â€Å"Strange Beautiful Tour† (Satriani.Com 1) in the year 2002. Here in this performance he is seen in slightly different mood and amidst a different set up as compared to his other concerts. He is seated with his guitar with a microphone set in front of him. Joe Satriani sings and simultaneously plays the guitar with as much equal ease as he would play breathtakingly soulful and extremely complicated guitar portions. He uses a slightly different guitar tone in this song compared to the original recording. This tone as it sounded has less dominance of the chorus effect and the clean tone. It is a more natural sounding tone with which he begins the piece, playing the signature line of the song. The song has other artists backing it up with drums, bass-guitar, keyboard and backing-guitar. The refreshing sound of a dominant bass guitar adds to the magic of the overall performance. The bass guitar is played in a different style with more d rag and delay in its tone, relaxing the temperament of the song and giving it a laidback and peaceful sound. The experience of having Joe Satriani perform one of his most popular songs and that to this particular composition: â€Å"I Believe† was indeed a rare and memorable experience. ... Acclaimed for his innovative â€Å"picking† through the plectrum strokes and delicate yet clean fret-board finger movements, he shows his impeccable timing and variation in his playing style based on the mood of the song. After the completion two bars (as in the recording) Joe accompanies his guitar with his voice as well. Indeed playing a complex riff whose notations and track timings do not synchronise with the metronome strokes of a four-by-four beat, and singing simultaneous requires mastery over both art forms. Joe good at both makes it look effortless as he proceeds to the short 1-bar interlude where he plays produces the octave effect by stroking the 1st and 5th string of the guitar simultaneously and gliding his fingers over the fret board. He manages the vocal part and the guitar riffs in a very clean and effortless style, switching back and forth from playing to singing and guitar accompaniment and vice versa. The chords that he plays in the main portion of the song: â€Å"I believe, there’s a reason for everything; I believe we can change† reveal the basic chord progression of the piece and sound unique and innovative. Joe makes the performance even more interesting by playing an impromptu guitar solo in between that had slight similarities with the original interlude guitar solo. The drums only enter after the first eight lines, i.e. at the end of â€Å"There’s just no other place†. The combined sound of Joe’s guitar (with delay and chorus effects), the low whining base guitar and the drums was wonderful. Joe’s deep sense of music, his aesthetic thinking and creativity are yet again reflected through his unique solo. He deviates from the original composition for the interlude, but weaves a well rounded,

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Pharmacological Approaches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pharmacological Approaches - Essay Example Hence the rationale behind the use of non-pharmacological approach to treatment of disorders is that in addressing the cause of the disorder through approaches like behavior modulation, the cause is either removed or reduced to provide respite to the individual from the disorder, instead of addressing just the symptoms. Besides the non-pharmacological treatment approach avoids the side effects of drugs employed in the pharmacological approach (King, Dudley, Melvin, Pallant & Morawetz, 2001). In Holistic medicine the treatment approach takes into consideration all aspects of the health of the patient, which includes physical, psychological, social, economic, and cultural factors. In holistic medicine emphasis is on the self-haling capacity of the individual, and is exemplified by the care giver providing the elements of security, lover, nurture and connection that promote the desire to heal oneself in the individual. Holistic medicine does provide a mix of traditional medical approach to treatment of a disorder, but the emphasis is not on the pharmacological element, but on the aspects of the individual that assist in removing the disorder (Zengerle-Levy, 2006). The advantage in this approach to treatment is that it takes the whole individual and the environment of the individual into consideration, and not just the symptoms and signs of the disorder and the targeting of them. It is quite possible that external factors have implications in the development and presence of the disorder, and a pharmacological approach does not take these factors into consideration. By this expanded approach a wider treatment range is brought into effect. In addition the encouragement of the individual to utilize the resources within the individual to aid in the treatment of the disorder better results is expected. Instilling a zeal for life through the realization of the mission in life and the quality of life brings into effect the inner resources of the

Monday, 22 July 2019

California State Law Essay Example for Free

California State Law Essay What Bidders Edge did may be considered as an innovation in the emerging electronic commerce industry. Linking as what was specified in the article made thinks easier for bigger websites such as e-bay to be viewed in by a lot people. Summing up the intention of Bidders Edge, we could conclude that what the company did is to provide the buyer’s the best price possible for anything that they want to buy. In the process, Bidder’s Edge would obtain choices from various auction sites which consequently included e-bay. I believe that this one mattered to e-bay not entirely on the sense that Bidders Edge would trespass per se on e-bay servers but the latter would serve as a threat for e-bay in the future. Simply put, traditional trespass involves the manipulation, distribution, or access of private data or property without the approval of its owner. In this particular case, e-bay is a public domain with open access to everyone who has internet access. On the other hand, personal property means that anything that is movable as distinguished from real estate. In the case of e-bay and Bidders Edge, the latter did request fro legal access but was denied by the former. One thing where Bidders Edge made a wrong move was when they created proxy users in order to access e-bay servers thereby giving in legal grounds for e-bay to file a lawsuit under the provisions of California state laws on intellectual property infringements against Bidders Edge. Under California state laws, â€Å"Various things can be copyrighted: literature, drama, music, sound recordings, computer software, advertising copy, motion pictures, choreography, pantomimes, and architectural works†(Witkin, Witkin Legal Institute., West Group., 2005). This gives e-bay the basis to file suit against anyone who intends unauthorized use of their servers. This is in contrast with the usual textbook definition that trespass to personal property may be altered if the medium may be proven as a public domain. Reference: Witkin, B. E., Witkin Legal Institute., West Group. (2005). Summary of California law (10th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Witkin Legal Institute.

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Theories Of Management And Leadership On Strategy

Theories Of Management And Leadership On Strategy Different Management and Leadership theories are adopted by the organisations to achieve their goals. Leaders possess a certain type of skills, which enables them to follow any theory in a given situation. The decision making process need to be flexible enough to adapt any kind of environment since outcome from it will be have a great impact on organisation, that impact can be on strategy, goals or its culture. Theories of Leadership and Management Different Leadership and Management theories are: The Trait Theory This theory is derived from the great man theory, which identifies the key characteristics of a good and successful leader. They have personality, dominance, charisma, self-confidence, achievements and ability to formulate a clear vision It is believed that through this approach critical leadership traits could be isolated and that people with such traits could then be recruited, selected, and installed into leadership positions. The table below lists the main leadership traits and skills identified by Stogdill in 1974. Traits Skills -Adaptable to situations Alert to social environment Assertive Cooperative Decisive Dependable Dominant (desire to influence others) Energetic (high activity level) Persistent Self-confident Tolerant of stress Willing to assume responsibility Clever (smart and intelligent) Conceptually skilled Creative Diplomatic and tactful Fluent in speaking Knowledgeable about group task Organised (administrative ability) Persuasive Socially skilled Impact on Organisational Strategy A leader with these traits and skills is able to drive the organisation. It is of this reason that Armed Forces around the world look for these traits in the candidates for the commission. For-example: At PCW, where high dedication from Manager is required, if they dont have a charismatic figure or lack self confidence than how they will motivate their team or employees. Before a leader leads other, it needs to lead itself, this is called self-leadership. It begins with introspection and development of ones emotional intelligence. They need to explore their inner self before they lead others. Leader is responsible for everything the team does or fails to do. Since they are in direct contact with employees so they need to have following traits and act as a role-model. At organisational level, leaders are required to influence the whole organisation by managing the cultural norms, rewards and recognition programs, and communication. When they get at a high level where they have to lead a city, state or a multi-national corporation, they require power of persuasion and charisma, if they are going to get elected. Their self-confidence enables them to challenge change, and their communication skills helps them to gain trust of others, since they have persuasion power. The point where Traits Theory fails is when following questions are asked Do these traits produce successful leaders? Is leadership more than just bringing change? Leaders are born or can they be made? The trait theory unfortunately does not prescribe the most effective traits that successful leaders should have. Nonetheless, the theory makes good sense when interpreting successful leaders with their remarkable traits. The most important problem in applying it is how leaders can know better about themselves and their leadership qualities. Transformational Theory James MacGregor wrote in his Burns Leadership was the first to put forward the concept of Transforming leadership. To MacGregor transforming leadership is a relationship of mutual stimulation and elevation that converts, followers into leaders and may convert leaders into moral agents. He also identified that: [Transforming leadership] occurs when one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and moralityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ This theory is based on charismatic leaders, who have additional characteristics such as vision and development, and abilities to motivate it followers. Impact on Organisational Strategy Howell and Avolio (1999) assert that transformational leadership with its five key pillars vision, inspiration, stimulation, coaching, and team building. And a leader with such characteristics will bring tremendous payoffs in business performance and innovation. There are certain transformational leadership factors identified by Nahavandi, which are: intellectual stimulation to generate new ideas and empowerment charisma and inspiration to overcome resistance to change, individual incentives and consideration to motivate and encourage the followers. Since our current business environment is very dynamic, so does the need for change in leadership style. For-example: Back in days at PCW, managers with certain charismatic qualities were effective in Generation X, and were able to drive their followers. However this cannot be feasible for Generation Y, which is current situation. People values most on personal skills and development and prefer to work outside of the organisational boundary. Hence a Transformation theory is required. In the same way, management theory practices in China cannot be practiced in US, since there are cultural differences, and this has a direct impact on organisational strategy. Transformational Leadership is also not very perfect, it has its own flaws. This theory fails when a leader thinks that they have achieved everything; the false connection when its team members / followers do not respond appropriately and become yes-man; the fear of betrayal from followers. Create a Leadership Strategy that supports organisational direction As per Leadership Theories, a good leader has certain characteristics and skills. Leadership is not only a function of a position on an organisational chart, but also individual performance. Anyone ar any level of the organisation can be a leader. They are recognized for their leadership in setting the pace and high standards in their work. STRATEGIC SKILLS AND ABILITIES Leaders at all levels require skills and abilities in three broad areas: Technical knowledge and skills required in the position, especially about executive information systems. Interpersonal/communication knowledge and skills. Conceptual skills which allow the strategic leader to make decisions and cope with the level of complexity associated with a particular position. Leadership Strategy for PC World Self-Leadership: Before Leaders commit to lead others, they need to commit to themselves. Leaders need to ensure that they have qualities and characteristics of a good leader. They need to create a personal vision. They need to explore themselves first. What they can achieve with their talent, tools and time. They need to create a big picture of their vision and align it with that of organisation. Once that is down, the next step is to bring their followers on board, and align their motivation with PCWs strategy. To create a charismatic figure or to act as a role-model, leaders need to show concern for their employees. In old Model practiced that PCW, Leaders were in control of everything and they were driving the teams. They were doing what they wanted to do. Since the environment is changing so leaders need to transform themselves. They should give what the teams need not what they want. Leaders need to be available to the employees all the time, this is done by implementing open-door policy in the organisation. Leaders need to be democratic and should have a two way communication with the followers, unlike the old one-sided communication. This way they can get good feedback and complete tasks. Team Leadership This is very important in order to empower team member and their networking activities. It is helpful at PCW since there are people with different ethnic backgrounds and cultures. Everyone has different skills and fields of specialization. It is important for leaders to ensure that team members are selected on the basis of their field of specialization, unique talents, skills and share a same vision. Every team member need to play its own part and should not depend on others. Like in sales team, every member has its own sales target, which they have to achieve on their own. But this does not mean that members cannot take help from each other in case of stock control. Empowerment is promoted in the project teams, which enables them to make certain decisions, like sales assistant is empowered to make a sale or refuse it, or if they like to entertain the 2% discount on certain items. When leaders are acting as a role-model they motivate the team and show them the good picture of the future. Mentoring Mentoring is another good strategy, for project based teams. It acts in two ways, one way is that people learn from their good leaders. The formula is to observe their leaders and learn from them. This is the idea of transformational leadership theory; the followers become leaders for others. On the other side it helps team-members to develop their personal skills. A sales assistant can follow the steps of their team leader and become a leader or a role model for other team-members, this way it can acts as a motivating factors. Leaders acting as a mentor need to provide assurance and personal reflective space, coaches set goals, identify solutions to problems, and provide feedback on the subordinates performance.

The Gender Division Of Labour Sociology Essay

The Gender Division Of Labour Sociology Essay Functionalists put forward a structuralist view of the family and within that context, how they understand conjugal roles. Parson believed the gender division of labour was natural and desirable. He also suggested that men and women had biologically determined personality types. Parson suggested that the roles carried out by women were not inferior, just different. They complimented the role carried out by men. He believed that women were more expressive then men and children were best socialised when they live in a warm, caring environment. The expressive female was also essential to stabilise the adult male personality by meeting his emotional and sexual needs. As a result, the family benefits when women stay at home. Also, men are better at providing for their family because they have instrumental personalities. He also stated that in the industrial society, isolated nuclear families have become more dominant. These families have become isolated from their extended families becaus e of commitments such as work demands. The conjugal pair therefore looked to each other to provide for their needs. In recent years, Parsons view has been supported by a number of groups, including New Right Conservation. They believed traditional, segregated conjugal roles were best for the family and wider society. However, to their concern, they believe they have been threatened by family diversity and the changing roles and expectations of women, resulting in a number of social problems such as underachievement and delinquency. Therefore, suggesting that they see the family as a structure that influences the development and attitudes of its members. Looking at Young and Willmotts analysis of the symmetrical family, they suggest that families today are more equal than before and have moved from segregated conjugal roles. This movement was through the result of a march of progress. There are several reasons for this. The first is that women are in paid employment, giving them financial independence and leading to greater sharing of power and status within the family. Unlike before, there are also changing expectations of husbands and family life. Also, there is a change in the size of families today, which are smaller. This may be due to changes in lifestyle, contraception and abortion. With the loss of the extended family this meant that the conjugal couple depended on each other practically and emotionally, both contributing to the duties within the home and sharing decisions. As a result, marriage today is becoming an equal partnership. Gershuny supports the view of Young and Willmott, that there is a greater equality. The foundation of his work over the past three decades is through the use of time use diaries. Gershuny sustains that the division of labour remains unfair, not because of the work itself, but because of its relationship to longer-term power structures within a society. (The Guardian, 2008). Although there is some progress towards greater sharing, it is very slow. He suggested that it may take a generation for men to make an equal contribution, describing this as lagged adaptation. Post Modernists argue that the world is no longer predictable. Society has entered a postmodern phase where there is no dominant family type and where individuals have the opportunity to create family relationships that are more suitable for them. Families are much more diverse today. In todays society, home life is much better than it used to be. There are also an increased number of appliances in the home, making home life more desirable and more men are willing to stay at home and help with household duties and childcare. This is similar to Young and Willmotts view on changing gender identities, describing men as New Men, helping to emphasis a change in attitudes. Also, some women are content with staying at home, taking on parenting and housework duties. In short, Young and Willmotts and others have argued that while conjugal roles are not completely equal they have become more equal. However, Feminists have criticised Parsons image of society that too much emphasis is laid upon how social control within families can reduce the potential for underachievement and delinquency. Also, there is no evidence of the biologically expressive female. Critics of Young and Willmott suggest there is insufficient sociological evidence to clearly support their argument. Most evidence suggests considerable inequality, especially where women are in paid employment. Feminists argue that the gender division of labour is culturally created and that there is insufficient evidence that conjugal roles have become more shared. They portray that the division of labour works to the advantage of men, leaving women in a position of inferiority in both power and work. Feminists believe the family is patriarchal because women must do housework without pay, which exploits and oppresses women because they are socialised to be dependent on men. According to Ann Oakleys (1974) research, women still felt that housework and childcare was their responsibility, even when they are in paid employment they still take on the responsibility of childcare and housework, this is known as the triple shift. This also contradicts the argument of Young and Willmott that as more women take paid employment outside of the home men increasingly share the housework and childcare. They also disagree with the new rights view of separate roles and they disagree with the march of progr ess view, stating that society has not changed and it is still unequal. Feminists also reject the theory that there is one best family type, they embrace freedom and diversity. They also see the traditional nuclear family as the main reason for womens oppression, suggesting that family ideology makes problems such as domestic violence worse, as women believe they should stand by their man no matter what the outcome is. These women may blame themselves for being bad wives and see themselves as deserving to be punished. Feminists reject Parsons view that women were biologically determined and believe they are socially constructed. They blame the media for this construction of women, often portraying them as housewives, cleaners, domestic servants offering comfort and support for men and presenting them as a mans sex object to tend to his sexual needs, suggesting that these roles are natural and normal. This is therefore seen as an example of patriarchal ideology. Marxist feminists believe that female workers are taken advantage of at a higher level than males as they are seen as a source of unpaid domestic labour, benefiting capitalism. Interactionism criticise both functionalists and feminists because both assume that social structure determines gender roles. Functionalists believe that family meets the needs of the individual and the family and Feminists believe that family maintains patriarchy. Interactionism has a more micro theory focusing on relationships between individuals and outcomes rather than roles, including things like social class, ethnic, lesbian and gay differences. In short, there is little evidence of sharing of power and the cultural dominance of men over women persists. Critics say that women have hidden powers controlling the home and have sexual power. They also say that feminism has led to greater opportunities for women in education and the workplace and cultural change in female ambitions. Based on the above arguments and evidence, there remains considerable disagreement within Sociology over the dispute of conjugal roles. While Functionalists believe that roles are progressively equal in modern society, Feminists maintain that there is very little empirical evidence to support this. For them, there remains considerable inequality. However, Interactionists and Post Modernists are critical of both approaches for a presumptuous view of conjugal roles and for ignoring the diversity of family and household structures and outcomes.

Saturday, 20 July 2019

The Tibetan Family Essay -- Tibet Marriage Children Women Papers

The Tibetan Family Family life is the core element that defines the population of a country. It gives Identity to a group people by the way they carry out their day to day operations and the customs and ideals that are unique to that group of people. Family life can be difficult to define as it comprises so many elements; such as housing, education, gender roles, family size, health, education, and religion. These are all critical inputs that ultimately determine the situation in a family and how that group of people goes about their lives. There are no ‘typical’ Tibetan families; some are rich, some are poor, some are nomadic others are urban, some families live in Tibet but there are also a great number living in exile in other countries. They all have one thing in common though; every Tibetan family has been either directly or indirectly affected by the Chinese occupation. The Tibetan people have been forced to abandon their old methods and principles that defined who they were as a culture and now have to try to adapt to the new ones that have been forced upon them. This paper will examine the many ways in which Tibetan families have been directly and indirectly affected through examining the inherent components that define a Tibetan family, and how these have changed since the Chinese occupation. Family life in Tibet has changed forever and the Tibetans have been forced into a metamorphosis and restructuring of their family life to assume a new form. It looks as though their former heritage is likely to be lost forever. Defining a ‘typical’ Tibetan family is a near impossible task because the structure and dynamics of every family are as unique as the individuals that comprise them. I will begin by first examinin... ...Dec 28 1994, http://www.tibet.ca/wtnarchive/1994/12/28_1.html [14] Free Tibet Campaign, 11/18/03, http://www.freetibet.org/info/facts/fact6.html [15] Free Tibet Campaign, 11/18/03, http://www.freetibet.org/info/facts/fact6.html [16] Victor Mansfield, Oral Statement, Colgate University, 2003 [17] Households and Women in Tibetan Pastoral Region, Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, vol. 35, no. 2, pg 4 [18] Households and Women in Tibetan Pastoral Region, Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, vol. 35, no. 2, pg 4 [19] The Making of Modern Tibet, A. Tom Grunfeld 1987, pg 18 [20] Households and Women in Tibetan Pastoral Region, Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, vol. 35, no. 2, pg 5 [21] The Making of Modern Tibet, A. Tom Grunfeld 1987, pg 16 [22] Immigrant Tibetan Children in US Schools: An Invisible Minority Group, Nawang Phuntsog [23] Ibid

Friday, 19 July 2019

Horror of War Exposed in Erich Maria Remarques All Quiet on the Wester

Horror of War Exposed in Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front is one of the greatest war novels of all time. It is a story, not of Germans, but of men, who even though they may have escaped shells, were destroyed by the war. The entire purpose of this novel is to illustrate the vivid horror and raw nature of war and to change the popular belief that war has an idealistic and romantic character.   The story centers on Paul Baà ¼mer, who enlists in the German army with glowing enthusiasm.   In the course of war, though, he is consumed by it and in the end is "weary, broken, burnt out, rootless, and without hope"   (Remarque page #).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Through Baà ¼mer, Remarque examines how war makes man inhuman. He uses excellent words and phrases to describe crucial details to this theme. "The first bomb, the first explosion, burst in our hearts," (page #). Baà ¼mer and his classmates who enlisted into the army see the true reality of the war.   They enter the war fresh from school, knowing nothing except the environment of hopeful youth and they come to a premature maturity with the war, their only home. "We were eighteen and had begun to love life and the world; and we had to shoot it to pieces.   We are not youth any longer" (page #).   They have lost their innocence.   Everything they are taught, the world of work, duty, culture, and progress, are not the slightest use to them because the only thing they need to know is how to survive.   They need to know how to escape the shells as well as the emotional and psychological torment of the war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The war takes a heavy toll on the soldiers who fight in it. The terror of death will infest the minds of soldiers... ...as they dread wound and death.   They have nothing to look forward to but years of rage.   They have experienced the horrors of war but have not experienced the enjoyments of life.   They will be pushed aside and forgotten and the years will pass, and in the end they will fall into ruin.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   All Quiet on the Western Front tries to explain the purpose of war and its uselessness.   It is a story of an almost obliterated generation that fought for nothing but the principle of hate.   Change the names, and it could have been the tale of a Frenchman, an Englishman, or an American.   It is perhaps the most tragic generation our human records tell of.   It bears the overwhelming accent of simple truth that makes you one wonder why war still exists. Work Cited Remarque, Erich Maria. All Quiet on the Western Front. Trans. A. W. Wheen. New York: Ballantine, 1982.

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Doc Edgerton :: essays research papers

Able to photograph a bullet in flight, Harold Eugene â€Å"Doc† Edgerton was born in April 6,1903 in Fremont, Nebraska. Harold Edgerton studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where from 1926 to 1931 he (and his associates) developed the modern stroboscope. Edgerton applied his discovery of the modern stroboscope to a wide range of fields. His discovery aided under-water photography and sonar research, photography in nature, and motion pictures. He taught thousands of students at MIT, and he enjoyed every minute of teaching.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Edgerton enrolled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a graduate student, but he remained there for approximately 60 years. At MIT, Doc Edgerton was a professor of electrical engineering. As a graduate student at MIT, Edgerton developed an electric strobe light with which he produced flashes of 1/500,000 second. When the flash is used in a series, the progressive stages of an object in motion can be recorded on the same piece of film. An example of this would be Tennis by Edgerton. Now, flashes are at the speed of a few billionths of a second, this would not have been possible without the work of Doc Edgerton.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The simplest kind of stroboscope is a revolving disk with usually one slit or hole, but sometimes more, in its periphery. These holes enable the observer to view the object. The revolutions of the disc can be synchronized, with the motion of the object. With the precise synchronization, even photographs of bullets in flight can be taken. The photographs are like contemporary motion picture frames.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Not only was the discovery of the modern high-speed stroboscope useful in photography, but also in the field of engineering. The stroboscope could be used to study wear, vibration, and distortion of moving parts while the parts of the machine are being used (the machine is running).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Edgerton was also involved in ocean research. He took a few photographic journeys with his good friend Jacques Cousteau. Cousteau gave Edgerton the nickname â€Å"Papa Flash.† Jacques Cousteau, at celebration for the life of Edgerton, said; â€Å"He (Edgerton) was the only human being I ever met that met life with as much enthusiasm†¦He was a perpetual dreamer.

Immanuel Kant: An Advocate of Modern Deontology Essay

Deontologists claim that an action or a moral rule is right because of its own nature, even if it fails to bring about the greatest good. Deontology is critically based on duty (deontos) – a moral obligation we have towards another person, a group or society as a whole. In this sense, deontology is concerned with the intrinsic properties of actions, not their end result. Immanuel Kant is arguably the most famous advocate of modern deontology. According to Kant, moral law is synthetic apriori and took an absolutist approach. Kant argued that since everyone possesses the capacity to reason and has a conscience, it would be possible for all people to arrive at an understanding of moral truths without the need for experience. He claimed because reason is universal, moral reasoning would lead to the same results over and over again. Kant belived that obedience to the moral law is a ‘categorical imperative’ – an absolute and unconditional duty on all people to act morally in the correct way. He said that true morality should not depend on individual likes and dislikes or on abilities, opertunitities of external circumstances. Obedience to a moral command is an end in itself. Personal preferences(intuition) cannot be trusted as a reliable guide to what is morally right. Duty is more important, and to this end, he advocated the principle of universalisbility’ which requires people to ‘act in such a way that their actions might become a universal law. Universalisable principles apply to everyone. In his ‘formula of kingdom ends’, Kant claimed that every action should be undertaken as if the individual were ‘a law-making member of a kingdom of ends’ this should ensure that every individual appreciates the significance of his/her part in establishing moral guidelines and rules. Furthermore, the ‘formula of the end in itself’ ensures people are vauled for the intrinsic, not instrumental worth, while the formula of autonomy’ stresses that a moral action must be genuinely free if it is to be genuinely good.

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

A Summary of Radical Evolution by Joel Garreau Essay

Radical Evolution by Joel Garreau has chapters on two scenarios of the hereafter of valets. twain enlightenment and Hell Scenarios retain The reduce involved, only if the dangers of the grinning technologies arrive at the Hell Scenario much than likely. Rise of engine room will intimation to the d experiencef every(prenominal) of engagingity due to Bioengineered disorder Agents/Weapons. Supporting imaginations for this progeny ar menace of humans creating unassailable weapons such(prenominal) as pox with cobra cattiness, biotechnology such as the Australian setback pox casualty existence chancy, and the rise of technology whitethorn enhance a iniquity and exhaust more commonwealth than a graphic plague.Garreau is worried round humans being changed so much we wont be able to tell who is who. Also, we baron end up missing typical human characteristics. To Garreau, human nature is the mating of the fashion and characteristics that atomic number 18 ty pical of the human species, arising from genetic rather than environmental factors (Garreau, 159). A couple early warning signs were entering The Hell Scenario argon just about unimaginably bad functions argon happening, destroying bragging(a) chunks of the human race or the biosphere, at an accelerating pace, and technologies continue to accelerate as person nations, continents, tribes or movements jockey for position in a hostile world (Garreau, 184).Chapter quadruple mentions the GRIN technologies. Gregory blood line is the G, nanotechnology is the N, and computer word is the I. Gregory Stock is the director of the Program on practice of medicine, engine room, and Society at the School of Medicine of the University of California at Los Angeles. According to Garreau, Stock thinks humans will transcend because of genetic engineering and not because of computers which is what Kurzweil thinks. thither are two sympathetics of nanotechnology. The kickoff reduces big things to surfaces so astonishingly little that their behavior changes dramatically (Garreau, 118). Promising godlike occasions, immortality and unimaginable riches (Garreau, 118) is the second kind. One example of the starting kind of nanotechnology is the buckyball which is nick discernd in Buckminster awash(predicate)s honor. Its properties are 60 propagation the strength of steel, the weight of plastic, the electrical conductivity of silicon, the heat conductivity of diamond and the size and perfection of DNA (Garreau, 119). The second kind of nanotechnology starts with Eric Dexler. With his book Engines of Creation The Coming age of Nanotechnology, he discusses his ideas. Growing objects such as a car, or a TV will be possible with nanotechnology. estimator intelligence has two meanings weak and strong.Theres a man name Ray Kurzweil, also known as the restless genius, in the movie original Man. He said, technology feeds on itself and gets scurrying and faster. Its gonna con tinue and in about forty years the basic changes are going to be so astonishingly quick that you wont be able to follow it unless you enhance your own intelligence with the technology weve created. According to Garreau, Kurzweils thinking of the weakness of humans was alter by his and his wifes family being destroyed by the Holocaust and his protactinium suffering from a heart ack-ack gun and dying at age 58. Kurzweils view of human nature is humans, conflicting reptiles, are capable of higher functions such as love, art, culture and technology. He peck see the sanatorium and prevail scenarios and mentions avoiding dangerous technologies such as nanotechnology is unrealistic. He said, intimately technology will be nanotechnology in the 2020s. You would have to relinquish all of technology. Kurzweil calls The Curve of exponentially increasing technology (Garreau) The impartiality of Accelerating Returns. He thinks humans dont have control of the force (the Curve) and its a pa ttern of life (Garreau). living(a) gain mentioned a term called Progress trap. According to the video a feeler trap was created to define human behavior that seem to provide benefits in the perfectly term, just ultimately leads to disaster because theyre unsustainable. An example that was provided was our ancestors hunting mammoths. Hunters who discovered how to violent death two mammoths made procession. Driving a herd over a cliff was discovered which led to making as well much progress. Also, this progress trap could be related to the Curve.The movie stated, We think progress is more of the same Like we should make our machines better and make more machines. Technology is rising due to humans severe to make progress which ended up being too much. According to the movie, we are essentially the same people as those stone age people, culture has stick completely detached from natural evolution, and our acquaintance and technology (ability to do good or harm) has grown out of proportion. afterwards, he went to the effect the mortal little terror from the development of self-replicating celluloid anything (Garreau, 145), but he found training which lead him to believe biotech is a great threat.Francis Fukuyama is one of Americas just about thoughtful and challenging public intellectuals (Garreau, 155). He defines human nature as the aggregate of the behavior and characteristics that are typical of the human species, arising from genetic rather than environmental factors (Garreau, 159). Also, Fukuyama said, The thing Im worried the intimately about is the attempt to modify on a large scale or so basic characteristics of human behavior in charges that will make us scarcely recognizable (Garreau, 159).Different versions of hell are mentioned in Radical Evolution. For Francis Fukuyama the last-place ring of hell will be reserved for those who, through biotechnology, dream of departure behind human nature (Garreau, 155). Garreaus conclusion fro m his studies is there will be three different types of humans The compound, The Naturals, and The Rest. The compound are people who use GRIN technologies, The Naturals are humans that have an prospect to become Enhanced but contain not to, and The Rest are people who dont have a choice of becoming Enhanced. Questions are asked which are If a person has a test-tube baby, is she an Enhanced? and If a person has a sildenafil prescription, is he an Enhanced? Garreau wants to use The Shakespeare testify to answer the question How will you someday tell, looking at an Enhanced, if she genuinely represents a transformation of the species-comparable to the difference mingled with Neanderthals and forthwiths humans?Bill mirth is the Edison of the Internet. felicity stated, Ethical humans, not robots, dominated this future, and I took Roddenberrys dream as part of my own (Garreau, 141). After merriment hearing a debate between Kurzweil and John Searle on the Heaven Scenario, Joy th ought of a hell scenario. Both scenarios have The Curve. Although Joy thought of the idea he doesnt have a book of The Hell Scenario.At first Joy focused on the motif of overcoming peoples denial (Garreau, 145), but to him it seems its already a effect that had a lot of discussion. After, he went to the topic the mortal threat from the development of self-replicating man-made anything (Garreau, 145), but he found culture which lead him to believe biotech is a great threat. When ibn Talal Hussein Hussein was in power Iraq was workings to mix pox and cobra venom with the acquaintance of fowlpox with venom extract killings more chickens. Another piece of information is the chance with Australian cower pox. This computer virus jakes kill every mouse it infects. Since variola is a close relative, it could be genetically modified to be as fatal. In a description by roman type poet and Epicurean philosopher Lucretius a quote says, A flame, like flame in furnaces, would blazing/W ithin the stomach (Garreau, 148). These make up The Hell Scenario.First, Pox with cobra venom was approximately made after the second disjuncture War, but in the process of its making, the invention was ruined due to bombings. When Saddam Hussein was in power Iraq was working to mix pox and cobra venom with the knowledge of fowlpox with venom extract kills more chickens. After hearing this, Joys alerting is underlined by the fact that such a weapon in the hands of soul like Saddam Hussein was a serious worry (Garreau, 146).Second, is the incident with Australian mouse pox. This virus fanny kill every mouse it infects. Since smallpox is a close relative, it could be genetically modified to be as fatal. In Australia, mice were everyplace and scientists tried to find a way to control them. According to Garreau, Toward this end, two capital of Australia researchers, Ron Jackson and Ian Ramshwo, in late 2000 were severe to create a new mouse contraceptive. rather, they created a mo nster. They added one gene to a mouse pox virus, and this new virus turned out to be century percent fatal.Next, A modern plague will be more dangerous than a plague in the past. In a description by papistic poet and Epicurean philosopher Lucretius a quote says, continual spasms of vomiting would rack alway their thews and members, breaking mickle with sheer exhaustion men already spent the inward parts of men, in truth, would scorch unto the very bones A flame, like flame in furnaces, would blaze within the stomach (Garreau, 148). This shows the symptoms of the plague of Athens. With that in mind, imagine what a plague deepen by todays/future generations technology can do. How many people would die?The inaugural address Poem One Today says, dig trenches, routing pipes and cables, hands as worn as my fathers cutting sugar cane so my brother and I could have books and shoes. Will we need to work at one time we reach a point where technology is so advance machines can do the work for us? If that happens humans wont need to work hard or even work at all because machines will be the yield of humans past work.In conclusion, possibilities of dangerous weapons, fear from the Australian mouse pox incident, and the high level of threat of a modern plague all make up The Hell Scenario. With these blemishedions of gentleman its unlikely man kind will follow the Heaven Scenario. Instead man kind will nose dive into the Hell Scenario because thats a walking(prenominal) match to how things will go with imperfect humans.Works CitedGarreau, Joel. Radical Evolution The covenant and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies and What It Means to Be Human. refreshful York Doubleday, 2005. Print.Ggrefeder. Hd Movie Transcendent Man donation 1/7. YouTube. YouTube, 02 Oct. 2011. Web. 05 Feb. 2013.Joy, Bill. Bill Joy What Im Worried About, What Im Excited about. TED Ideas worth Spreading. TED, 2008. Web. 05 Feb. 2013.KurzweilAI Accelerating Intelligence. KurzweilAI R ay Kurzweil Bio Comments. N.p., 2011. Web. 05 Feb. 2013. go Progress. Dir. Mathieu Roy. Perf. Stephen Hawking, David Suzuki, Jane Goodall. 2011. Netflix.Wade, Nicholas. From End of History Author, a smelling at the Beginning and Middle. The recent York Times. The New York Times, 08 Mar. 2011. Web. 05 Feb. 2013.

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Education needs to be accessible to click all so as to create a very comprehensive and diverse social work force.If the number or mix of staff are forget not sufficient or not meet the requirements, the careful search for external information is required. Theses additional information can be obtained through the intranet, policy documents, divisional reports logical and etc.The beginning is made a list of current employees to identify foreseeable future skills. This analysis includes an audit of direct current skills of each employee.Strong growth was recorded in quite a few service-based industries.For how this reason the skills shortage and staff rapid turnover still are being a problem. People great need to feel purposeful and valued about where the organization is going. The companies need to create strategies to retain preventing their talent and this is the main feature deeds that ensures competitiveness, much more than material resources, financial and technological. The A NZ bank has a supply first intensive with over 15.

Gain in third grade and the quantity of the workforce increases speed of rapid growth that is financial.Using (not just repeating) the labour supply available data or demographic and economic data: explain how try this data will be used to forecast only human resources supply within ANZ Bank Australia. The only Human Resource Planning will be affected according to the higher level of business development.If the company is starting now, the HRP good will hire only candidates with skills that sustain the military operations of the company. But if the company is growing, the HRP good will focus on the hiring of experts.Demand for teachers is on the upswing.Today this military strategy is being implemented in Asia and the Pacific. industrie ANZ bank seeks to avoid redundancies. 3. Balancing adequate Supply and Demand Considerations Review of diversity in the Australian workforce – how would this affect/apply to industrie ANZ Bank Australia.

The labour market can be quite competitive.An example that expresses this problem is start with receptionist position because over half 54% of administration logical and office staff a new job and it how have proven that receptionist are the most unhappy. This present position is easily filled and employers don’t have to invest in these staff, even the reception staff are the face of an organisation. The challenge has been also finding other people who are prepared to develop their skills logical and match the current needs of the companies.The qualities that private employers are looking for today in other candidates are: resilience, strong leadership, ability to hide seek ways to remain competitive from a business development economic standpoint and the ability to be more productive start with limited resources.Successful recruitment strategies will want to get devised if there is an organization short of skilled workers to make it to the company objectives.The big bus iness also provides domestic partners with benefits.

second One of the benefits of boomerang workers is they do not urgent need a comprehensive orientation andre already acquainted with the providers culture.The common use of talent analytics increase.If done well, workforce economic planning raises productivity, cut labor expenditures logical and dramatically cut time-to-market since youll have the amount of people start with the abilities at the ideal moment.If a supplier is likely to satisfy based its forecasted talent needs action plans need to be implemented.

Monday, 15 July 2019

Management Studies Essay

1. What st creases should be pick upn by an brass that is mission to bust the fruitcake pileus?I would give pick plans as a regularity acting to bust the drinking glass ceiling. natural survival plans forces a fellowship or agreement to read a antic analysis, take a leak flight ladders and pick stunned alternatives to the conventional ship hatfulal utilize in forward motion systems. Companies and HR should rearward external from the social consort of these traditional regularitys of wakeless opinion in shipway unvarying with the extract plan. relegate upon apart from occasional(a) methods much(prenominal)(prenominal) as supervisory advocateations, exe racetrackion ratings, dissolute reviews of force p gear up files, and folksy recommendations. practice a more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) evening gown, standardized, and contemplate-related sagacity method. The plaque should establish economic aid to the types of KSAOs ai mful for advancement, and write down schooling programs to memorize these KSAOs to likely employees. such(prenominal) programs could accommodate describe phone line and direction assignments, f governrnity in conferences and an protestent(prenominal) net fiting opportunities, mentoring and t sepa croply programs, and ticking learnedness in dinner dress schooling programs.2. What guidelines do the equal Guidelines on Employee alternative Procedures straits to musical arrangements when it comes to backcloth shortcut lots?The UGESP advises that cutoff s besidesls be define so as to be commonsensical and invari satisfactoryted with modal(prenominal) expectations of unobjectionable advancement in spite of appearance the men. Appli stackts should be be on the tail end of properly formalise selection procedures. Applicants tally at a lower place a racy(prenominal) cut-off impart little(a) or no chance of creation selected for profession. Al though the perisher cut-off score whitethorn be conquer the story of obstinate jar should in whatever case be considered. Companies should regard their hiring standards be non so noble that they actuallyize an indecent push.3. What be the step an employer should take to spring up and give its insurance insurance policy regarding recitation-at- ordain? use at give involves the honorable of both the employer or employee to destroy the practice session at both sequence, for any legal reason. To ordinate a policy of betrothal at blow over, a conjunction postulate to check that tune protracts ar for an obscure while period. The clientele bear should imply a rehearsal that the date will be strictly at will. all indite documents, such as employee handbooks and natural coverings moldinessiness vagabond the at will relationship.4. cover rough capableness problems with downsize as an organizations prototypal reaction to a need to cut chore be. dapple curtailment has an quick impact on diminish lineage cost, besides legion(predicate) an(prenominal) companies downsize with knocked break through(p) considering alternatives. in that respect argon many problems that can return establish on utilise retrenchment depression. Companies ab initio muddle pro channelion line cuts that atomic subject 18 too deep. This results in a workforce which is under catered and unable(p) to function impellingly. This affects the former(a) employees who endure demoralized, unmotivated, and unproductive. more organizations that downsize flat necessitate nonice that they failed to master to the highest degree of the bloodline objectives associated with the furlough to part with and they rehire at least whatever of the staff that they let go. hear Questions (15 pts each) No more than 2 varlets, double-spaced.1. For this foreland you will invoke to the diligence authorise Evaluating Staffing mathema tical operation Results found on pages 676-678 in your text. pack the application and act questions 1&2 merely on the scum bag of page 677.1. coif the relent ratios (offer receivers/ appliers, bracing hires/applicants), conviction lag or rack clock ( gigantic season to offer, geezerhood to fit), and property judge associated with each enlisting source.The long era to offer measures the bonny morsel of age it takes to film moving in offers to applicants. The days to start measures the intermediate list of days it takes from the blood of the total staffing impact to the while the in the buff applicant is engage and begins their designates. From highest to low intensity argon employee referrals, paper publisher ads and the vocation part. Employee referrals encounter the highest roll of return. The participatement method from highest to worst is employee referral, role path and paper ads. Specifically, employee referrals had the smalle st days-to-offer and days-to-start figures. In price of property methods from highest to low atomic number 18 employee referrals, youthfulspaper publisher advertisements, and employment agency.2. What is the sexual congress potentiality of the terzetto sources in foothold of retrovert ratios, troll times, and property range differ in their telling military capability?Employee referrals were the virtually effective recruitment method ground on come back ratios, time lapse, and safekeeping rates. certain employees in full run into the union, its culture, and the underlying meditate take onments. due to this posture they are able to recommend hefty agglomerate they go to bed who cogency fit headspring with the job and the organization. This was the al hygienic-nigh effective recruitment method. This occurred be get along occurrent employees did a good job pre blanket individuals in advance they became candidates. The bran-newspaper ads and emplo yment agency did not do as headspring. These methods ordinarily revert mountainous numbers racket of applicants without any real screening taking place.You feature comely gestural on as the private instructor of gracious Resources for a elephantine manufacturing ships fellowship in the boodle area. Your company manufactures separate to the automotive attention such as air duct assemblies for non-homogeneous models of new vehicles as well as to the vicarious market for these homogeneous parts. Upon conducting an take stock of HR initiatives and laborious to interpret the challenges you command to encounter, you risk that the boilers suit disorder rate for this company is 37%. You curb not worked in this specific exertion nevertheless you come across water at first scan that this number is high. base on this extra development that you have, lay out a dodge for computer addressing perturbation. You should hold the hobby in your resolventa. a precise invoice of what otherwise culture you mustiness turn up to release to envision out if the disturbance is an gist that you must tackle b.assuming that you bring that disorder is problematic, what strategies you index nominate to the chief operating officer to address the issue, specifically addressing the practicable causes of the high overthrow in your answer.The 37% disorder rate is a major(ip) cause for concern. The perturbation is high plenteous to physiognomy attention. It would be steadying to have some(prenominal)(a) intentness info to make a overturn comparison. initially I would evoke that the chief executive officer burden a elderberry bush managing director within HR to nip at the backgrounds of the employees who left hand the in the last year. It would be stabilizing to write out how long they were on the job in the beginning they go away and how they were do in their position. It would exceedingly semiprecious to discourse th e workers who surrender to learn more about wherefore they obdurate to leave. The go along call into question entropy is credibly the single(a) most worthful objet dart of information that can be utilise to deal with a retention problem. The costs of the turnover are massive.It is roiled to the organization, it affects the time and resources apply to sue the departing employees, and require surplus time and resources to recruit hire and tally new employees. opposite costs could intromit vilify to the morale and productivity of other employees and an change magnitude likelihood that some of these workers may quit. I would require a formal exit oppugn growth to visit out why workers are go forth the organization. The results of these interviews should be divided with the managers of the departing employees as well as humane resources. I would task HR with conducting an yearly employee regard to esteem the work environment.